Manda & Friends LLC
What's your story?
Letter from the Editor
Manda & Friends is dedicated to being a platform for the people. Reality sometimes hurts, sometimes it is amazing, and sometimes it is impossible to navigate without the help of our fellow humans. We tell firsthand accounts and do not limit the topics, every human experience matters! We have told our story and even published the first part of it. I found myself humbled by other humans I met during a full mental breakdown. Life got to heavy and I collapsed under the weight. Luckily my husband got me help, sadly that helped turned out to be traumatizing. After that experience we claimed #brave and we told our story. Now we have told many for us and others. We will continue to do so and have now learned how to self publish; we hope to guide others through the process. Our secrets keep us sick, it is a saying for a reason. When you are ready we are here!
Much Love,
Manda Jones