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Writer's pictureManda Jones

Just another mommy blog...about a morning from HELL!

First, I woke up late. Late, but can still get them to school on time if they cooperate, late. One of my middle sons (I have twins in the middle) got himself out the door on the bus because he met a new friend on the bus that was reading him this awesome comic book; literally as he walked out the door he said “and the kids in the book eat these special mushrooms…” So, we will be having a clarifying conversation when he gets home from school today. Anyway, back to the actual struggle. While “getting our shoes on” my glasses got broken while two of my boys (did I mention I have FOUR boys) were fighting over the XBOX remote, you know, while putting their shoes on?!?!?!?!?! I’m currently writing my first book, so I guess if it doesn’t do well I will blame it on the next few days that I will be blind.

THEN someone left their book bag, so I open the garage door to run in and grab it and my husband’s 75-pound hound dog BOLTS out the dog door and out of the garage. Luckily, I guess, we got her to get in the car with us instead of spending 30 minutes fighting to catch her. When I say, she is my husband’s dog, I mean she literally only listens to him.

Okay, we are school bound while the dog barked incessantly (she is a hound, her bark isn’t easily ignored!) Drop everyone off and then hit the drive-up window at our local coffee shop at Heritage Market. Where the hound, aka Piper, barks the entire time because she just wants to get out and play with all these fun people.

Got my coffee, got home, and the damn dog climbs in the very back seat of my Chevy Traverse and REFUSES to come to me! Why? Because my name isn’t “daddy!” So, I did what any mother would do; I locked the car and went in the house for about three minutes, thinking she would panic. Think I was her savior and come right to me; Piper called my bluff! I finally went through the truck and laid the backseats down and she then and only then she jumped in the front seat, where I “lovingly” grabbed her collar and drug her ass in the house! Did I mention I was in my robe, husbands untied sneakers and no bra?

So, that was my morning from hell with both my children and my fur-baby. My old, senior fur-baby would never pull a stunt like this anymore and that is why he is clearly my favorite. Hope your morning was better than mine, but please take a moment to share your worst “mommy mornings,” it really helps to vent it!! Comment below!

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