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Adoption Day!

Writer's picture: Manda JonesManda Jones

Updated: Jun 19, 2019


There are a lot of “dates” that led up to Adoption Day; June 17, 2011.

Yet, this date, was the very best date.

June 17, 2011

Our family was here in force. My sister, my parents, my husbands’ parents, and his older brother were ready to head to the courthouse that morning. To be honest I was scared. We had had so many ups and downs and our families rode that roller coaster with us. I just wanted today to be amazing. I knew academically this was it, adoption was happening. Yet, in my heart I was still fearful; I had heard so many shocking things and felt such heartache and disappointment in that courtroom. That same very courtroom with that same very judge. Several months before that very judge had scolded us publicly in that courtroom for legally intervening in the case and hiring our own attorney. Not common practice when adopting from foster care and there is a specific criterion you must meet in order to file that motion. So, I was scared. Scared I would hear that we would no longer be adopting the children and a suitable relative had come forward.

Cake Official!

I remember dressing the boys in matching orange and brown plaid shirts; they are Irish triplets, so I often dressed them the same. I dressed their sister in plaid overalls in pale blue in yellow. I did so with a joyous and heavy heart. I had just witnessed another woman’s life unravel and the ultimate consequence; her parental rights terminated. Now I was going to the courthouse to make my family legally a “Forever Family.” My babies were going to be mine! No more roller coaster, caseworkers, visitations… it was about to be over!

My husband and I drove together alone with the kids with our family caravan behind. I took these photos on the ten-minute drive to the courthouse. When it was time to go into the courtroom our families sat behind us as a force field of love and support. They wanted this to end as much as we did, they loved our babies! The first grandchildren on both sides; the first nephews/niece for our four siblings. They were beginning a whole new chapter not just themselves; everyone was opening a new chapter. The families focus had shifted.

I do not remember walking in, the only thing I remember from the hallway was one of the professionals telling me how amazing my shoes were. They really were amazing 😉 I had stopped wearing heals when we lived in the apartment because I was always carrying three children down a concrete stairwell. But this was a very special occasion and there was no concrete trap to stumble down.

Jones and Barnhart Families

Inside the courtroom I remember sitting there like a defendant; it felt very awkward. There was a microphone in front of us as the judge asked us questions. After she tapped the gavel the courtroom turned into a playground. It was over! They were officially ours. The judge gave each of the boys a stuffed animal to adopt themselves and explained adoption in a tone I had certainly never heard from her. She was not all business now; she was human. She let them sit in her chair and scream into her microphone. They allowed us as much time as we needed for photos. We did not take long after the kids were done playing. We finally got one semi-good picture (ever tried to get three babies to sit still for a picture…?) We wanted out of there.

The way home felt light; I had not felt light like that in two years! Parental Rights Termination had occurred with our daughter a month prior and her adoption date was on the books; the boys was done. When we got to the house, we let the kids LOOSE! They turned the hose on and sprayed each other in the front yard as the adults tried to rest in the shade out of range. I do remember my husband, his brother, and my sister engaging in some of the water sports. I was just HAPPY!

That evening we had a party that we had invited most of our family too. I remember that my cousin came with her babes, three or four of our dear friends and their families, the kids “adopted” grandma (our next-door neighbor.) Plus, everyone that I already mentioned that was at the adoption that morning. I felt like I had just given birth in a courtroom after 17,000 hours of labor and intense contractions, with scary complications. The babies were now forever safe in my arms.

Manda on the best of days!

The party ended for the kids with a huge cake fight! We got them all their own smash cake with their names on it and they had a ball throwing it at each other. The adults got involved and we had to hose down the deck and patio to get it cleaned up. It is also the night that a little spark started between my friend and my husband’s brother. They would not act on it for another year, but to that union I gained three nieces and a nephew.

Manda & Jason’s Adoption Day Experience.

Written by: Manda Jones; Editor in Chief and CEO of Manda & Friends LLC



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