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Writer's pictureManda Jones

The Middle Ground on Abortion

I am a little late on this one and I deeply apologize. We have had two very different views on abortion blogged from individuals on very different sides of the issue. I will try to represent the middle ground.

I am pro-life for myself, pro-choice for everyone else. I have no religious views that influence my view points, I am not young and full of passion for the subject. I just truly feel that I have no right to tell anyone else how to or what to do with their bodies or lives. “To each their own” my motto, passed down by my father, is truly how I choose to live; limitations of course.

I also come at this from another angle, I am the mother of four boys yet have never been pregnant. I lost my uterus, tubes and cervix due to endometriosis when I was 26 and my ovaries due to PCOS and Endometriosis when I was 27. I tried to have a baby prior to that and was unsuccessful for years. With my diagnosis of Endo. I knew my biological clock was ticking far faster than most of my peers. We decided on adoption after getting the news that IVF/ICIS was our only option. We knew my body couldn’t handle that.

We are so blessed and I am so glad to be the mother of these four amazing little boys. Austin was 23 months old when he came home, the twins (Jessy & Nicklas) just 11 months, and Izaiah 3 days old. They have been the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and I. They are spoiled rotten as the only grandchildren on my side of the family and an incredibly loving family on my husbands.

Even with all my reproductive struggles, I still feel no right to tell another woman to continue a pregnancy she doesn’t want or cannot sustain. I would have loved to experience pregnancy; it wasn’t in the cards for me. That’s my life, it worked out perfectly anyway.

Abortion legality doesn’t prevent abortion, it prevents the carnage of women. If a woman is desperate, for whatever reason, to end her pregnancy she will. Legality gives her the opportunity to survive her abortion. It should in my opinion be able to be made even safer by eliminating abortion clinics and allowing them to be done in hospitals like any other procedure. You have as much right to your body as I do to mine.

I wanted a baby so I was individually pro-life. Yet, to all of you who had to make that choice and ended in abortion, I know you didn’t make that choice lightly. I know that you struggled with your options. I know you did what was best for you and you deserve that right; you deserve the right to have it done safely and not under threat or protest.

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