Entrepreneurs, we must put some hard truths out there. We must support each other, we must participate in networking event for small businesses online and in-person. We must “treat others like you would like to be treated.”

You want your friends to order from you, you want your family to order from you, and you want them to spread the word about the products you sell. Then order from them. Stop going to the local Mega Mart and buying hair care products, weight loss products, personal care products…products full of trash ingredients that are dangerous for your whole family. Most large chains buy from the cheapest bidder. They are not interested in your safety, you are faceless to them. You are NOT faceless to your neighbor, friend, family member, small business owner, small boutique downtown. You are a person, who they are thankful for. Every sale builds safety and security for their family. Many small businesses do not make it because WE do not support them.
I grew up in a very rural town in Northwest Kansas. My grandfather used to take me to a café; I believe it was called the Sunflower Café. This was half way between home and the sale barn an hour east of our hometown. I remember being so upset when the Café was demolished to build the first Walmart in our area. Although it was thirty miles away from my hometown, it did massive destruction to our hometowns small businesses.
Did Walmart destroy my towns businesses? No, we did. We stopped supporting our local businesses and took the thirty-mile trip to low prices and cheap goods. We stopped trusting that our neighbor was the better choice and allowed the decimation of businesses in two small towns (the ones I am aware of.)

It was us, we think we deserve low prices made by people treated less than human. We have the mindset of quantity over quality. This is the one time (in my opinion) that nostalgia needs to make a comeback. We used to care about who we bought our products from, from drapery to food. We knew the people we bought our goods and services from, before monopolies became our addiction.
WE are the only ones that are going to be able to change this. Buy your goods and services from those you know. Research, purchase quality products. Can’t afford it? Yes, you can. As soon as you stop spending $500 a pop at chain stores and buying products you don’t need; but buy because low prices are fun! Right?! It is also the key to the destruction of the middle class. Instead buy what you need and is healthy for your family. Indulge on the occasions you can. You will probably have what I call “Retail Relapses.” That is okay. Know better do better, just get back on the horse and get back to shopping small!